Our Terms of Service

Our site primarily offers services in Japanese, and our terms are based on Japanese law.
1. Responsibility

We are dedicated to securely safeguarding your individual IDs and passwords, ensuring their confidentiality.

Our commitment is to provide you with the utmost level of service. However, please be aware that extensive support is not offered. The functionalities of our site are tailored for advanced users, assuming a self-sufficient capability. We trust that this is evident in our pricing, and we appreciate your understanding.

2. Financial

Regarding financial matters, refunds will not be issued, except under the following circumstances:

-Suspension due to natural disasters or criminal activities.

-Suspension periods totaling less than half the contracted duration.

-Suspension resulting from a violation of the terms and conditions.

-Suspension due to voluntary withdrawal.

In the context of Japan, please be aware that the right of withdrawal, commonly known as the cooling-off period, does not apply to online purchases. Exercise caution when making online transactions.

Due to the advance payment nature, occurrences of unauthorized billing are not possible. Please feel secure in utilizing our services.

3. Disclaimer

Please be advised that any losses incurred during your use of this site cannot be indemnified. Our liability is limited to the amount of the usage fees paid.

4. Right to Privacy

Engaging in content that denies or undermines the identity of others is strictly prohibited when using our site's services.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The use of our site's services for any actions that infringe upon the rights of others is strictly prohibited.

6. Termination of Agreement

In the absence of contract renewal, termination will automatically take effect concurrently.

Upon termination, personal information will be securely deleted within a specified timeframe, which may vary based on the type of service provided.

In cases where we deem it unfavorable for security reasons, the ID may be permanently retired to prevent reuse, and traces may be retained.


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